Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Comparing average educational status of a State withi their position on Gay Marriage

Today North Carolina became the 30th state to officially ban gay marriage.  Putting aside the obviously heated rhetoric for a moment, I wanted to run a quick check and see what correlation (if any) exists between states that have passed gay marriage, those that have banned it, and those who are somewhere in the middle.. at a stalemate. 

I first located a ranking of the educational status of each state.

From the article: 
The Science and Engineering Readiness Index (SERI) measures how high school students are performing in physics and calculus -- based on publicly available data, including Advanced Placement scores, National Assessment of Educational Progress reports, teacher certification requirements by state and physics class enrollment data.  The SERI was developed by Susan Wite from the Statistical Research Center at the American Institute of Physics and physicist Paul Cottle of Florida State University.
The SERI score given to each state is on a scale of 1 to 5 and reflects how well states perform and allow opportunities for success in physics and math education and teacher qualifications.
This seemed reasonable.

Note the Index also groups each state into one of five categories: 
  • Well above national average
  • Above average
  • Average
  • Below average
  • Far below average
This will come up later. 

Next I compiled a list of each states' position on gay marriage from Wikipedia:

While it is clear which of the few states have legalized gay marriage and those that have outright banned it from their territory, there is a large swath of intermediate states where the outcome is in doubt.  Sometimes these intermediate states are because there are more Democrats in key spots (governor, legislature) that hold up reactionary measures, other times because court challenges are in progress (one way or the other). 

Coding for banned/legal is easy.  What I did was coded states that banned marriage as "0", those who have legalized it as "1".  (see table below the chart). 

It is the middle group that presents coding challenges.  Those with indeterminate status I coded as "0.5" for first-round simplicity.  In some cases it was a challenge to code as a 0 or 0.5 and one could probably go either way on a few of these.

Take California.  California passed gay marriage in the legislature, but was overturned by the voters, which was overturned by the court, then was in turn overturned by a higher court, now is possibly advancing to a higher court.  I gave California a 0 just for the hassle with coding it. 

So a state could have a value of 1 = Legalized,  0.5=indeterminate, or 0=banned. 

There are more subtle ways of coding the variants and I may do that later, but for demonstration purposes I started here.

So I have two tables:  one table contains the educational ranks and categories, and the other table contains their position on gay marriage.  I combined these tables for the analysis. 

Recall there are five categories for education, ranging from "Well above average" to "Far below average."  I aggregated these tables to get the average educational ranks and gay marriage scores, then plotted them on a scatter plot:

Each dot represents a group of states (see below table).  On the vertical axis we have the relative acceptance of gay marriage, again with 1.0 being a perfect score.  On the horizontal is the relative educational score in science.

Note that the Well-Above-Average states scored much higher in terms of acceptance of gay marriage, while the three bottom groups had the worst scores.

In fact, this chart suggests that acceptance of gay marriage really doesn't seem to take off until a state is associated with a rating of at least Above Average and higher. 

********** table *********

Education Level Rank State Education Index Gay Marriage Status
1. Well above average 1 Massachusetts 4.82 1
1. Well above average 2 Minnesota 4.06 0.5
1. Well above average 3 New Jersey 4.04 0.5
1. Well above average 4 New Hampshire 4.01 1
1. Well above average 5 New York 3.94 1
2. Above Average 6 Virginia 3.73 0
2. Above Average 7 Maryland 3.57 0.5
2. Above Average 8 Connecticut 3.28 0.5
2. Above Average 9 Indiana 3.28 0.5
2. Above Average 10 Maine 3.24 0.5
3. Average 11 Florida 3.13 0
3. Average 12 Illinois 3.08 0.5
3. Average 13 South Dakota 3.08 0
3. Average 14 Wisconsin 3.06 0
3. Average 15 Colorado 3.04 0
3. Average 16 Kansas 3 0
3. Average 17 Kentucky 3 0
3. Average 18 Vermont 2.93 1
3. Average 19 Georgia 2.88 0
3. Average 20 Washington 2.86 0.5
3. Average 21 Utah 2.85 0
3. Average 22 Pennsylvania 2.8 0.5
3. Average 23 Tennessee 2.67 0
3. Average 24 Ohio 2.64 0
3. Average 25 Delaware 2.6 0.5
3. Average 26 Michigan 2.6 0
3. Average 27 Oregon 2.58 0
3. Average 28 Wyoming 2.58 0.5
3. Average 29 Montana 2.53 0
4. Below Average 30 Idaho 2.47 0
4. Below Average 31 Texas 2.45 0
4. Below Average 32 North Dakota 2.4 0
4. Below Average 33 Missouri 2.39 0
4. Below Average 34 California 2.38 0
4. Below Average 35 Rhode Island 2.38 0.5
4. Below Average 36 North Carolina 2.34 0
4. Below Average 37 Hawaii 2.29 0.5
4. Below Average 38 Iowa 2.25 0.5
4. Below Average 39 Alaska 2.2 0
4. Below Average 40 South Carolina 2.2 0
4. Below Average 41 Arkansas 2.14 0
5. Far Below Average 42 Oklahoma 2.01 0
5. Far Below Average 43 Nebraska 1.97 0
5. Far Below Average 44 Nevada 1.93 0
5. Far Below Average 45 Arizona 1.91 0
5. Far Below Average 46 New Mexico 1.72 0.5
5. Far Below Average 47 Alabama 1.6 0
5. Far Below Average 48 Louisiana 1.59 0
5. Far Below Average 49 West Virginia 1.58 0.5
5. Far Below Average 50 Mississippi 1.11 0

Now of course the chart isn't totally definitive without a couple more tests.  Just for shits and giggles I put together a one-way ANOVA to analyze the average gay marriage score against the educational groups.

For the stat geeks below are the diagnostics.. essentially what they show is that only the WELL-ABOVE AVERAGE group is likely to have more tolerance regarding gay marriage acceptance. 

I will be the first to state that correlations do not imply causation;  sometimes a correlation is just a random occurrence.

Lets think about it sociologically.  I can see how low education might be associated with an unaccepting environments:  more insular, dogmatic, etc. and how broad-based top-tier educational systems would be associated with communities that strive to provide opportunity. 

For proponents of gay marriage, the implications are.. support your schools' academic curricula!  For those opposed to gay marriage.. eliminate the learning!

In any event, this is all just a quickie run through the data here.  Lots of angles to examine around the socio-demographics.. wish I had more time! 

(note, above results updated to reflect a change in Delaware from 0 to 0.5 ... owing to their passing of Civil Unions despite banning gay marriage. Thx Andrew). 

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